Second Edition FAQ

The Second Edition FAQ was updated on September 9th 2014.
You can download a pdf version of the Second Edition FAQ from the Downloads section.

War of the Ring Second Edition

Lords of Middle-earth Expansion

Rulebook Errata

Notes on the Second Edition (page 3)
The reference to the "Ents of Fangorn" Event cards should be to the “Ents Awake” Event cards.

Counter Summary (page 6)
The backs of the Elven Rings Counters and the Fellowship Progress Counter have been switched in the Counter Summary and on pages 21 ( Elven Ring Counters) and 36 (Fellowship Progress Counter). The physical counters are correct.

Playing Event Cards (page 22)
The reference to the “Knights of Dol Amroth” Event card should be to the "Imrahil of Dol Amroth" Event card.

Fellowship is Revealed by a Hunt for the Ring (page 38)
(correction in bold)
When the Fellowship is revealed, turn the Fellowship Progress Counter to its Revealed side, after which the Free Peoples player must move the Ring-bearers figure (as described in the previous section), except that this movement can never end in a region containing a Free Peoples Stronghold or City controlled by the Free Peoples.

Hunt Effects when Declaring or Revealing the Fellowship (page 41)
(correction in bold)
When the Free Peoples player declares the Fellowship, certain abilities and events may force him to draw a Hunt Tile. When this happens, ignore any reveal icon on the drawn tile if the Fellowship has been declared in a Free Peoples Stronghold or City controlled by the Free Peoples.

Rulebook Clarifications

Settlements (page 11)
The term "Free Peoples City/Stronghold/ Settlement" (or "Shadow City/Stronghold/ Settlement") is used, on Character and Event cards, to refer to any City/Stronghold/Settlement originally belonging to the Free Peoples (or Shadow) player, regardless of which player currently controls it (unless control is explicitly mentioned).

Drawing Event Cards (page 22)
All draws, whether in a phase or in an action within a phase, are completed before a player must discard excess Event cards from his hand (e.g. if the player holds six cards at the beginning of the Recover Action Dice and Draw Event Cards phase he will draw both cards and then, as he now holds eight cards, discard down to six).

Army Movement (page 27)
An Army can move several times per turn, as long as it uses a different Action die for each movement.

Timing of Combat Cards (page 29)
If a Combat Card has more than one effect (e.g. "Mûmakil") it has one initiative number for each effect with a different timing.

Activating Free Peoples Nations (page 34)
A Companion with the appropriate Nation symbol can activate that Nation when he enters play in a City or Stronghold of that Nation, as well as when he ends his movement is such a City or Stronghold.

The Fellowship in Shadow Strongholds (page 39)
If the Fellowship’s path is traced through more than one Shadow Stronghold (still controlled by the Shadow player) when it is revealed one Hunt Tile is drawn for each such Stronghold.

Card Clarifications

The "Dead Men of Dunharrow" Event Card
Normally, it is not possible to recruit in a Shadow-controlled region, and to retake control using an Event card. This card is an exception, to recreate the events in teh book (the Shadow army flees from teh Dead Men, and then men are recruited from the neighboring area). Using this card, it is possible to recruit in the target region (Erach, Lamedon or Pelargir), even if the region is still controlled by the Shadow; then, the recruited Gondor units will take control of that region. To clarify, add "taking control if necessary" at the end of the card text.

The "Riders of Théoden" Event Card
The Leader recruited must be a Rohan Leader.

The "Cruel as Death" and "They are Terrible" Combat Card
"Subtracting" Nazgûl Leadership is synonymous with "forfeiting" Nazgûl Leadership.

The "Confusion" Combat Card
Hits are scored against the Shadow Army on any unmodified die results of "1".

The "Heroic Death" Combat Card
The Leader to be eliminated must be a "Free Peoples" Leader.

Lords of Middle-earth

Character Clarifications

The effect of the draw of a Sméagol tile is applied immediately, before the sequence for resolving the Hunt begins.

For this reason, the Free Peoples Character Event Card “Mithril Coat and Sting” cannot be used to cancel a drawn Sméagol tile (e.g. the Free Peoples player cannot use “Mithril Coat and Sting” to prevent Sméagol from entering the game, or to prevent the Shadow player from using “We Won’t Go Back,” when a Sméagol tile is drawn.

Q: Can the alternate version of Boromir, Legolas, and Gimli separate to different regions, when separating using their Guide ability because of the draw of one Hunt tile?

A: No. They must separate as a group, if multiple Companions separate as an effect of the resolution of the same tile.

Q: Can the alternate “Hobbit of the Shire” version of Meriadoc/Peregrin re-appear in a besieged Stronghold when using their “Art of Disappearing” ability?

A: No. This movement of Meriadoc/Peregrin follows the same rules as normal movement of Companions outside the Fellowship.

Event Card Clarifications

Q: How does the Shadow Event Card “We Won’t Go Back” interact with the Hunt resolution?

A: If the Shadow player decides to use “We Won’t Go Back,” you immediately add two Corruption points to the Ring-bearers. This effect cannot be prevented using cards or abilities which modify the Hunt.

Q: How does the Shadow Event Card “We Shall Get It” interact with the Hunt resolution?

A: If the Shadow player decides to use “We Shall Get It,” another Hunt tile is drawn (as replacement) before the Hunt resolution begins (i.e. any Guide abilities, Event Cards in play, or sacrifice of a Companion to protect the Ring-bearers used by the Free Peoples player will be used to affect the new Hunt tile).

Please note that some of the images on this website are a preview of Art by John Howe from "War of the Ring"
a game published by Ares Games under license from Sophisticated Games and Middle-earth Enterprises.