Gondor Scenario FAQ

The Gondor FAQ was updated on August 2nd 2006.


Q Gandalf the White's 'Enemy of Sauron' ability is different in the two scenarios. Is it supposed to be like that?

A No, the correct wording of the ability is: "Use and discard permanently an Action Token to change one unused Action Die result into a Will of the West die result."

Q On page 31 of the German rulebook it says that the Shadow can build "one Catapult per Region in the Pelennor Regions not adjacent to Minas Tirith." That's three Regions. Then it says you can attack with all Catapults on the board with an army die, with a maximum of five Catapults per attack.
Are you allowed to build more than one Catapult per Region?

A Yes. It should say that the Shadow is allowed to build two Catapults in each Region.

Q On page 30 of the German rulebook it is mentioned that the Witch-King has the ability 'Dies ist meine Stunde', what does it do and where are the rules for it?

A That ability was reworked into the 'Der Herr der Nazgûl' ability and should not be in the rulebook, please disregard the mentioning of it.

The Action Dice

Q Can the Shadow player use a Muster die result to flip two Recruitment tokens in two different Recruitment Areas?

A Yes, this is not clearly stated in the rules (or on the reference sheets), in addition to stating that a Muster die result can be used to flip Recruitment tokens in two different Settlements it should also state that in the Gondor Scenario the Shadow can use a Muster die result to flip one Recruitment token in two different National Recruitment Areas and/or Settlements.

The Recruitment Areas

Q What happens if a Shadow army attacked from a Free Peoples Recruitment Area has no Region to Retreat to?

A The army is destroyed, and all Characters in the army are eliminated along with it.

Q After the Woses token has been revealed, can further Rohan recruitment tokens be placed in the Forgotten Road Region, or must they be placed in the To Rohan Region? And what happens if more tokens are to be placed once the Rohirrim has arrived at the Forgotten Road?

A You don't flip the counters until the Rohirrim force arrives, at that point the Woses counter allows you to move all the counters to the Forgotten Road. Any tokens placed after the Woses token has been used are to be placed in the To Rohan Region.

Q Can units in a Recruitment Area be used in a combined attack, including one caused by an 'Encirclement' card? In which case, is the defender forced to retreat since the attack is coming from a Recruitment Area?

A No, the units in a Recruitment Area cannot be used in a combined attack. They are not in a Region.

Q The rules and the reference sheet differ in describing how the Free People can use a Muster die result to place/flip recruitment tokens in the Rohan/Gondor National Recruitment Areas. The rules say "when Théoden and Aragorn have left the Fate Track" while the reference sheet says "when Théoden and Aragorn are in game." Which is correct?

A The rules are correct. As long as both Characters have left the Fate Track the Free Poeples can place/flip tokens in the Reinforcement Areas. The Free Peoples can still do this even if one or both of the Characters are eliminated.

Story Event Cards

Q 'Bastions of Indomitable Stone' - Can the card be used to repair a Breached Stronghold?

A Yes.

Q 'Beregond and the Guards of the Citadel' - Can it be used to recruit a fifth Leader if I have a figure for it and does it have to be Gondor Leader.

A The 'Beregond and the Guards of the Citadel' Story Event Card can only bring back a previously eliminated Gondor Leader.

Q 'Heads of the Fallen' - If the Free Peoples army attacked is destroyed inside Minas Tirith can an adjacent Shadow army advance into the City even if the Gate or Wall section is not breached?

A Yes. If a card is "directed" to an army (i.e. does not cause an attack which then damages the army), damage ignores the Stronghold.

The Characters

Q If Aragorn's 'Black Sails' ability is used to attack a Shadow army in Harlond is the Shadow army forced to Retreat before combat since the attack is coming from a Free People Recruitment Area?

A Yes.

Q What happens if Faramir's 'Ranger of Ithilien' ability is used to destroy a Shadow army and the Witch King and/or Gothmog are in the army?

A The Characters are eliminated with the destroyed army.

Q How do the Shadow player flip the Recruitment tokens placed in West Osgiliath and Cair Andros through the use of Gothmog's 'New Strength to Rape Gondor' ability?

A West Osgiliath and Cair Andros are Settlements. In the Gondor Scenario the Shadow player can use a Muster die to flip one Recruitment token in two different National Recruitment Areas and/or Settlements.

Q When does Gothmog become Commander-in-Chief? Immediately after the Witch-king has been eliminated? Or at the start of the following turn? The rules text and the card text seem to say two different things.

A The change is effective at the beginning of the next turn.

The Units

Q Can the Black Uruks' ability (if successful) be used to remove two or more Black Uruks units and remove three Damage Tokens with each removed unit?

A Only one Black Uruk can be taken as a casualty to remove three Damage Tokens. More Black Uruks can be taken but will only remove two Damage Tokens each.

Q Can the Gondor footmen's 'Shieldwall' ability be used to reduce the damage scored against a Stronghold?

A Yes.

Siege Towers and Trebuchets

Q When firing the Trebuchets can the Shadow player decide to aim at different targets, e.g. some of them at the army inside Minas Tirith, some of them at the Gate Protection Area, and some at the north Protection Area?

A No, in a Trebuchet attack all Trebuchets are aimed against a single target.

Please note that some of the images on this website are a preview of Art by John Howe from "War of the Ring"
a game published by Ares Games under license from Sophisticated Games and Middle-earth Enterprises.